In-Person Voting
Voting in person requires you going to the polls on election day!
Finding Your Polling Location.
Click here to find your polling location.
Live on campus? Find your residence hall's polling location here.???
Voter ID Requirements
Most states do not require you to bring your voter registration card to the polls. But a majority of states do expect you to provide another form of ID to vote in person. Find more information here.
Absentee Voting
Absentee voting (aka “mail-in voting” and “by-mail voting”) is conducted by mail-in ballot before the day of Election Day. The voter may return the ballot in person or by mail.
Absentee Ballot Rules
Rules for mail-in and absentee voting differ by state. Check your state’s mail-in and absentee voting rules here.
Absentee Deadlines
Absentee ballot deadlines vary based on your state. Click here to find your state's deadlines.
Early Voting
Sometimes circumstances make it hard or impossible for you to vote on Election Day. But most states let you vote in person during a designated early voting period. Use this map to see if your state allows early in-person voting.