Faculty Resources
Welcome to the faculty resources page! Here you will find videos that explain the resources offered through vote.ua.edu as well as syllabus addendum templates that you can add to your syllabus if you want to help support your students civic learning! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to vote.everywhere.ua@gmail.com

Syllabus Addendums
Voting Resources Only
Civic Engagement Statement: The University of Alabama is committed to fostering individual and civic responsibility. The vote.ua.edu website is an up-to-date voter information resource, providing links to how to register to vote, how to request an absentee ballot, and other voting-related questions.
Voting Resources and Absence to Vote on Election Day
Civic Engagement Statement: The University of Alabama is committed to fostering individual and civic responsibility. The vote.ua.edu website is an up-to-date voter information resource, providing links to how to register to vote, how to request an absentee ballot, and other voting-related questions. Students who need to miss class to travel to vote on Election Day may discuss the possibility of an excused absence with the instructor.
How to Use TurboVote
*We would like to thank Layla Khan-Hickman for her work to edit, film, and produce the following videos. Layla is a sophomore at UA studying Creative Media.
How to Request an Absentee Ballot Video
Class Slide
University of Alabama Vote Everywhere Slide
When clicking the link above, you will find a slide that contains a QR code that will take your students to register to vote. Additionally, you will also find the dates for the 2024 general election year regarding registration deadlines and absentee ballot applications important dates.